TV Series

Lies of the Heart 12th June 2020 Update

Lies of the Heart 12th June 2020 Update
Lies of the Heart 12th June 2020 Update on Zee World

While urmi is working in the kitchen, Virat comes in asking for something, but then finds her hands messy, and asks why isnt she using a spatula instead, the cleanliness freak that he is. He says that he would never use such a cake. She says that she isnt offering him either. He is disgusted with the working hygienic conditions, and expresses it, while urmi asks him not to be bothered as she isnt.

Urmi then apologises for yesterday, where she preumed him to be Ravi. He says that its okay, and is about to ask something, but isnt able to ward his mind off, the undesirable hygienic conditions. He asks for a coffee, and urmi agrees. but sushma comes in saying that they make tea and would get only that. He apologises and leaves, but then says that he could settle with black tea, without sugar and milk. She taunts him, and asks him to go where he would be served the tea. Susham asks urmi, after he leaves, not to pamper him too much and get her mind on the cake. urmi smilingly agrees.

As urmi gets tea and breakfast for Yash, she finds him being cleanliness freak yet again and using the sanitiser being overly cautious, adding that prevention is always better than cure. urmi asks him to tell if he needs anything. He adds that he needs a towel. She says that she can talk to sushma, but he gets nervous to hear that, while urmi is amused.

He asks if she’s a relative, and is told that she is a tenant. Urmi starts saying that they developed relations, and he sarcastically taunts her. She asks if he works with Ravi, and if they are colleagues. he gets tensed but answers that they too work together. when she continues probing, he snubs her saying that he would like to have his breakfast. she leaves apologetic.

Sushma meanwhile is highly irritated and angry with ravi’s temperament, at having send his friend unannounced. Her husband tries to calm her down, but she refuses to cater to his needs anymore. Her husband agrees and says that he is a guest after all. She asks if he would make food. He says that he would tell urmi. Just then, she comes in with shaurya. They call her that they wanted to talk to her, and ask if she can go to yash to ask him what he would like to eat and if he would eat outside or inside, and if he is going to eat inside, then it shall have to be prepared. She says that she would ask, and even make if need be.

Sushma asks her to tell him that he wont get his London food here. Urmi silently agrees. She leaves. Sushma and her husband are tensed. Lies of the Heart 12th June 2020 Update

As samrat gets icecream for shaurya, he finds that shaurya is hesitant to eat it, as he has a cold and has been told by urmi not to. But samrat says that its okay and gives him his favourite flavour. He starts chatting with shaurya asking if he has any latest toys, and strikes a raw chord, with shaurya, when he says that he has no measures of entertainment and gets bored after he goes back to home from school. samrat pretends to be outraged and concerned and pitiful for shaurya, and says that this is all wrong for him, and only urmi’s ego is to be blamed, and that ultimately shaurya shall suffer.

He tells that urmi plays, tells him stories, and then puts him to sleep too. But samrat asks him not to be feminine as he is a boy soon to be a man. Samrat then lures him to watch a 3D amination fiulm with him tomorrow, and he excitedly agrees adding that he wont even tell urmi about their pl;an, nor the fact they they bukned school for icecream today. samrat pleasedly leaves. Lies of the Heart 12th June 2020 Update

Asha continues to rant about her motherly charade with the doll, and irritates gaurav to the core, to get her a bottle, so that the doll could be fed. gaurav leaves frustratedly, and then granny laments at her nonsense. asha copntinues her rant with granny, while she is super irritated. After asha leaves, granny carelessly throws the doll on the table, and asha horrifically reprimands her for the same, and gets to attending to the doll, while granny is frustrated to the core.

Samrat gets shaurya back, and then happily fixes up the next day’s plan also agreeing to keep it a secret. they wish each other goodbye, and then samrat drives off. urmi then arrives in the auto, and finds him waiting outside, and apologises for being late. shaurya remembers urmi’s anger at him having met samrat and then samrat telling him to tell their little secret, and doesnt give in any details. He leaves with urmi.

Yash tells Ravi on the phone, that he said sushma is easy, but she is a tough nut to crack. He tells ravi that he shouldnt hasten, as he is just trying to get along with them, so that they can place their confidence in him. He adds that they would have to tread very cautiously as they cant risk it all now, having come so far, and maybe he too faces the same destiny thats his. He is surprised as he confronts urmi when he turns around, who’s heard the entire conversation and is tensed.

Lies of the Heart 12th June 2020 Update

New guy in sushma’s house doing all kinds of drama not to have food as the surroundings are dirty…he says he won’ have food here as the place is not clean as it was in london..he asks for coffee..but sushma refuses..susham is angry as her son sent this man instaed of him..the man is tensed says he works with her son so he came here…

Samrat and shaurya meet and samrat lures him to have ice cream even though little kid is not keeping well…samrat convinces him and says that what kind of life he lives like a girl and doesn’t enjoy life like guys do it…seeing 3d movies ans stuff…shaurya gets lured and says to samrat he will keep this as secret and not tell urmi…

Asha as usual irritates all at home including dadi and gaurav…after school is over shaurya and samrat meet and promise to meet next day too telling urmi..urmi comes and says sorry to shaurya for being late…at home the man talks to ravi and says sushma is tough nut to crack but he will make sure he succeed in doing that…he turns back sees urmi standing ans is shocked…

Avni confronts yash, asking what he hasd to do, that she would become his problem. He asks why was she eavesdropping on him, and if she is spying on him. She accepts that she is, and asks why is he here. he maintains his stance of joining a son with his parents and that she should help him. urmi asks what made him think that she would be a problem. He says that she is doubting him at every step, while glating about their son’s noble intentions behind his parents and helping them out, from their miserable condition. He asks for her support amd trust so that everyone can benefit. He moves ahead, sling evilly, that he befooled her, while she stands tensed and confused, shaken from her conviction.

Inside, yash tries to convince the couple, of ravi’s noble intentions to take care of them. They ask him to take this lecture somewhere else, and recount what troubles and torments he put them through. Yash says that he doesnt want it to repeat, and hence wants to just give 15lakhs in Fd for them for 3 years and they can break it whenever they want in between. As urmi comes, she stops him, asking what papers he wants them to sign. yash asks her to stay out of it, as itys between their son and them. She agrees with him, and demands to see the papers once. yash says that ravi sent these papers and asks if she is doubting him.

Urmi says that its good to learn before signing, and can see the papers if they dont want to. He tauns her and then gives the papers. she starts going through them, while he watches her tensedly. Sushma and her husband wait for her reaction. She gives it back to him saying that the papers are completely fine, and they can sign if they want to. He starts taunting her if she thought that he was engaging them in fraud. Her husband tells about urmi’snoble intentions, and yash says that he knows and understands. urmi leaves to go get shaurya, while yash stands tensed. Sushma asks him to take the papers and leave. yash asks her to take time, but he is determined that till they dont sign, he wont go anywhere. He leaves, while they are tensed.

Later, in the night, urmi gets saroj’s call, and shaurya gets tensed. She asks about urmi’s health and she says that she is all fine and that she gets tired looking for a job. Saroj asks her to buckle up, and show to the doctor instead. urmi agrees. saroj asks about shaurya, if he is there, and when urmi asks why is she talking like this. Saroj tells about seeing samrat to the movie theatre in the morning, where kid pictures are shown. shaurya pretends to be immersed in the studies, and wards off her doubts. Urmi says that shaurya would be in school at that time, and asks her not to worry, and that she and her son are both fine.

Saroj asks her to take care of her and her son and show herself to the doctor tomorrow. After she cancels the call, urmi again looks at shaurya, and comes to him. He gets tensed. She asks him if samrat came to meet him. shaurya remmbers their promise and secret with samrat, and lies plainfaced that he went to school. urmi happily believes. as shaurya gets busy, urmi has a dizzy spell.

As samrat and shaurya come out of the theatre, shaurya finds saroj walking on the road. samrat gets tensed. Samrat hides him, and asks him not to call her, as if she gets to know about him, she would tell urmi and then urmi shall scold him. Saroj sees samarat and then curtly glancing at him, she sits in the auto and leaves. Samrat again reminds him to keep this completely a secret. He advises shaurya to lie so that they get a convenient escape, and after intial hesitation, shaurya agrees to samrat’s wishes.

As kanchan talks tensedly to someone, aditi asks whats the matter. kanchan laments and says that her distant relative’s daughter grew up only with her father and just some time back, the father died too. Shashi is indifferent. Aditi however is apalled as to how she would live alone, poor and young. Kanchan hopes that she could do something. Samrat comes in asking her not to see dreams of getting her here, just because her husband’s salary got doubled.

Kanchan asks him to think before he speaks, as she didnt have any intentions. He says that she was making grounds for it. shashi asks her to call, surprising samrat, emotional and pleading for help. samrat asks her to shut up. shashi says that she has given much thought, and that she would serve as a good alternative for Jhumki, the servant, who hasnt come back from the village. Samrat commends her. kanchan says that she maybe poort but not a servant. samrat says that only poor people are servants. shashi asks kanchan not to think like that as they too do the work, but arehnt serrvants. She says that the girl would be safe and sound here.

Kanchan starts thinking, while samrat asks her to take the offer, while he callously mentions that she might just end up in a brothel. Kanchan reprimands him for his dirty thinking. Shashi says that its the bare truth. Samrat asks kanchan to think, adding that mukti should be relieved as urmi would join in soon as a servant too. Kanchan tells him that he is engulfed by urmi’s thoughts. Samrat defiantly talks that he does. He leaves, while shashi is tensed.

The next morning, the doctor finishes with urmi’s checkup and asks her to sit down. The doctor asks urmi if her husband didnt come. urmi asks if its anything disconcerting. the doctor says that its a matter of happiness, as a husband should be here by the wife’s side to listen to this. urmi is baffled. the doctor happily tells and congratulates her that she is pregnant, and urmi is shell shocked. the doctor asks why is she shocked, as she is two months pregnant.

Lies of the Heart 12th June 2020 Update ends as Urmi remembers her night of passion with samrat. the doctor says that she must have noticed that she missed her monthly cycle. She also says that her recent nauseatic spells, dizzyness and fatigue are due to this only.

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