Marriage and babies in the pipeline in Ultimate Love 2020
Marriage and babies in the pipeline in Ultimate Love 2020
The Love Couple went for their weekly sessions and they had only good things to say about their relationships.
Aunty’s Couple’s session was individually, and Couple centred as she tried to understand how far how the relationships were going in the Love Pad. The Love Guests all showed contentment and being at ease with one another, throwing jokes and giggles here and there as the reminisced about certain conversations they’ve had.
However, what was clear was the fact that they’re talking about life outside of the Love Pad and how they’re dealing with the reality they’ll leave as different people. Jelo, Iykeresa, DoubleChris, Bolar and Chvia were the Couples Aunty could see today and they had a lot to share; from their future plans to their encounters with other Love Guests in the Love Pad.
What they’re working on
The Couples voiced out to Aunty that even though they’re happy with the partners they’ve chosen, they’re still working on a few loose ends to continue making the relationships work. Trust and communication are what all the Couples are talking about. Louis told Aunty that Jenny Koko like things done her way and he’d love for her to work on her anger issues as well.
The same sentiments were shared by Bolar. ‘We’re working on ourselves. There’s less complaining now but there’s still communication issues and we will listen to each other more.
Clear intensions
It’s only been three weeks and already the Couples are clear on their intentions about each other, Aunty heard. Chivia, Iykeresa and DoubleChris sang nothing but praises for one another and assured Aunty that their relationship are so strong, storms may come. To validate the sturdiness of their relationships, babies and marriages have been a constant topic among the Couples and God allows, it will be sooner than later.
Watch Today’s Video: Obichukwu tells Ebiteinye she needs to learn to speak in an American accent because he is taking her there, and she must first master saying ‘I lurve ya’.